Marissa Perry Saints

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Marissa Aguilera Saints serves in several capacities in community building strategies and social justice work in the Boulder and Denver Metro Area. She works with local organizations like the 1000 Voices Project, The Chinook Foundation and The Office of Social Justice with the CRC in efforts to foster personal growth around issues of racial justice, build community around storytelling and African cross-cultural understanding, engage church congregations with immigration rights issues and fund grants for local grassroots social justice organizations. She has a background in entrepreneurship, international development, fair trade and graphic design.  From 2009-2017 Marissa founded and directed Dsenyo, a fair trade business partnering with women and artisans in Malawi, Zambia and Brazil. You can find her trying to keep up with her two young boys, doing African dance, painting murals or training for a triathlon.  Marissa, her husband Jon and their two sons live in Lafayette, CO.

She brings to Flame Tree Initiative her expertise in graphic design, community building strategies, marketing, and branding.

Strategic advisorAdmin